Don’t Leave Your Post

Judges 14-18 The story we read today has always bothered me, but I see some common threads through it.

The idea of leaving your place and seeking another is a major. If you look at the map, the tribe of Dan was given the land near the Mediterranean Sea and moving to the upper right hand corner almost out of the Promised land. They did not clear the land of the Philistines that lived there. In time the Philistines took the land because the tribe of Dan left. This set up a stronghold that kings for years to come would have to fight. You also see the levite leaving his land and responsibilities as God’s religious leader. He was bribed by Micah to be his priest and to offer sacrifices to his gods. The levite and the Danites left God first then their position of responsibility

The second thing that was evident was that Micah was not an honest man either. He stole from his mother but later gave back what he had taken. He did not honor God and led others astray. When the priest does the same thing to him he is indignant.

The Danites and the priest ended up in Laish (upper right corner) and they defeated the people there. The commentary I read talked about how evil and idolatrous the city was. They followed the way of the Sidonians. These men who once were a part of the Promised land ran from their inheritance and embraced the carnal nature of the countries and people around them.

So how does this apply to our lives? First embrace God alone! Don’t put any other gods before Him including self, money, possessions, jobs or even family. God is to have first place in our lives. Second do the job you were given to do to completion. We get in trouble when we leave our calling and position. We only move when God says move and where He says to move. Times will get hard and people will disappoint and even make your way difficult, but until God gives you the okay, stay where you are planted and rest in Him to fight your battles. Times will get hard, but with God’s power and strength we can and will make it through.