Light at the End of Darkness

Job 40:6-42:17; Psalm 29: When reading the story of Job we focus on the years of his distress, but did you know that he lived 140 years after that? Yes during those years I am certain that the lessons he had learned in the dark days changed his path.

God began to build back Job’s life. He began to build back relationships. Don’t you know it would be tempting after people had turned their backs on you to just turn your back on them when things got better. What a lonely life he would have had and probably much shorter had he held on to bitterness. Instead he forgave and renewed those relationships.

His wealth returned. He received back double from God all that he had lost. When finances are tight it is easy to get down on yourself and feel like you are a failure. Job remembered who he was dependent on. God had given and God had taken yet Job still blessed His name. God was showing satan and those around Job what true faith in God looks like.

God had taken Job’s children. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose all of your children all at once. The temptation would be to be angry with God. Not Job. He trusted God. God gave him 10 more children. Some ask why God did not double the number of children. Maybe it is because the other 10 who had died would meet him in heaven and he would have all 20 there thus it was a doubling.

What should all of this mean to me? That God is sovereign and days may look dark today, but if we trust the Father, brighter days are ahead. We can’t allow the sin of bitterness, anger, or even lack of trust to keep us from where God ultimately wants to take us. The best really is yet to come. Hold on. It is not hopeless. Don’t give up or give in. Life is worth living. You can and will make it. Look up. Look around you. God’s testimony of His faithfulness is all around you. Trust Him!