Party ON

Leviticus 23-25: You know this party girl loves it when God’s assigned job is to have a party! In the scriptures the children of Israel were assigned party times where specific meals would be prepared. They would start with a solemn assembly where they would worship God. Then in the days that followed they would have a huge celebration for all God had done for them. The celebrations were held so they would remember what they had been brought through. They also celebrated what God was doing for them at that time with gifts to the Lord from their harvests. In all their celebrations the central figure was God.

How often do you celebrate with other believers? Do you have times each year that you gather together to recall all God has done? Do you have weekly gatherings with other believers where you share a meal or a time of Bible Study? God’s plan for celebrating wasn’t just for the saints of old. He knows we need relationships as well. We need to gather, eat together, and share the joys and sorrows of our lives. God is still at work in our midst, so let the party begin!