Someone Loves You

John 14:15-21: How do you know someone loves you? Words can tell you. Gifts can show you. Eye contact can help you believe. Jesus told us how He wanted us to display our love for Him.

John 14:15″If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

It really is that simple. We act in a way that obeys what He has told us to do. Simple. lol. If we keep all of His commands it is far from simple. It can be rather challenging, but the end result is so worth it.

It not only speaks our love for Him, but it is also the path that keeps us from harm or danger. It is the path that treasures that money can’t buy. It leads to healthy marriages, homes, friendships. Loving the Lord and keeping His commands eventually will lead us to a forever home with Him!!!

As we express our love to Him keeping His commands we really are the winner because His love for us is put on display to the world around us. If there is one thing our world needs right now is LOVE! May we all be bearers of His Love!