1 Kings 17-19

I have been perplexed by why it seems more and more these days people of the church are doing what Elijah described in 18:21″And Elijah came near to all the people and said, ‘How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.’ And the people did not answer him a word.” Elijah was dealing with a people who knew God and knew His ways and what His commands were. They knew they were to be lovers of God with all their hearts and yet they had backed away from their commitment to the Lord and loved the gods around them more. Maybe it was because it was more popular. Maybe it was because their political leaders were pushing it. I am sure there were many reasons, but God had not changed and His desire for His people had not changed. It is the same today. God’s people are to put away the things of this earth. Drunkenness, ungodly speech, anger, gossip, divisiveness, seem to be where so many have decided was okay as long as they go to church or do the church thing every other week. God must just want to throw up! We are just playing games when the end result is eternal. I know I am way too heavy for some, but my heart has been broken as I have seen some who I have known to at one time be super devoted in their relationship with Jesus standing on a fence with one foot in the world and one in the church. Really not sure what to say next other than, I want to be holy, set apart, a woman whose heart is so devoted to her Master that He and only He is seen in me. I want to know how to love my brothers and sisters in Christ in such a way that they long again to be running toward God with all of their might. I am praying today for them and for all who have allowed their love for their Master to take a back seat to their love for the things of this world. He longs for us all to return!