Belize Trip Day 4 Updates


Generations….our team is made up of members from early youth to retirement age. Each work side by side counting medicines, walking patients, sharing the gospel and shadowing professionals in the field that they would like to pursue. Each giving themselves for one purpose to glorify God. Nationals work beside us daily teaching us and learning. It is the way God intended for the Body to work together.

Many of the relationships we were observing this week started when these young people were the children as parents, adult church leaders and friends who saw something special in these youth. They have poured into the lives of young people over the years. I have heard several of the young people say, ” This is my second mom or dad”. How amazing these students are because adults took time to mentor, coach, teach and love them. My challenge to each of you is to look around. Who has potential around you? You don’t have to be on a mission field to pour into someone. Start now and maybe in the days ahead bring your learner along with you to live abroad a few days on mission. It is life changing for them and you! For those parents who allowed your children to come without you “Well done!” They have been a huge blessing and should make you very proud!


For those who prayed for the last day of clinic and the medication supplied, there were many times that those working in the pharmacy would turn around thinking that they were out of the med to find manna from heaven had appeared just in time for the patient’s needs. Thanks for your prayers.

One of the younger missionaries shared a truth that we all need to remember daily: “If you don’t think that you have a God moment in the day, that is not true you just have to watch for it.”

Puritan Prayer for the day: Give me special grace to fit me for special services and keep me calm and resign at all time. Humble, solemn, mortified and conformed to Thy will.