Exodus 5-9

It is hard enough when you are fighting an enemy to fight against him, but when your own team mates turn on you it is second to impossible. Yet if you are doing what you KNOW is the right thing, there is no other option. Moses knew he was doing what God called him to do. He knew that the only way the people would be set free was to follow God’s plan. Yet God’s plan was not working out like he thought it would. Now Pharaoh was mad at him and the people were mad. 5:20They met Moses and Aaron, who were waiting for them, as they came out from Pharaoh; 21and they said to them, “The Lord look on you and judge, because you have made us stink in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and have put a sword in their hand to kill us.”
As a leader it is so difficult to lead, but when you are leading a people who don’t want your leadership it is second to impossible. This was definitely one of those but God moments. As God sent each plague it wasn’t just for the Egyptians sake, but it was also to show God’s own people who He was and what He could and would do. Leaving your existing “comfort” even if that comfort is slavery to do something new and go to a new level with God is never easy. We may kick and scream as we are going, but it is right. The immediate may be painful, but the long term has great rewards. Even as I write these words it encourages me. Life sometimes is hard, but the end result is to be more like Jesus. Father, please break away anything in me that is not completely Yours. Help me to follow even when times get difficult. Help me to trust You over my comforts. Help me to run to your freedom instead of the bondage of my will.