Exodus 37-40

I can’t imagine the excited meant that vibrated through the camp as the Tent of Meeting was finally put together. Every piece had been constructed just as God has said. Every bar covered in gold, every tapestry, every hook and base were all in place. I wonder if their excitement was even greater because they had given. Their charms, bracelets, yarn, and wood had been used for the construction. They had been a part from the beginning and now they were about to see the whole thing put together. When the last clasp was drawn and Moses pronounced it complete the thrill of seeing the cloud descend upon the place and fill the tent must have been chilling. The only thing I can even begin to compare it to was when we built a new campus at Westwood and we met in a tent in the parking lot the Sunday before we filled the building. As we sang “Thou Oh Lord” I can still remember tears of joy filling my eyes and running down my cheeks. We knew God’s presence was there! Even though you may not be going into a new building this morning, the presence of the Lord can and should be in the place you worship today. Pray before you even go that God would meet you there. God expecting to hear a word from Him. Look to see where He is at work and join Him there. It is not about a building but it is about us being His temple now. He longs to fill us. The bible tells us in Jeremiah if we seek Him we will find Him when we seek Him with all of our hearts. Today will be a great day to worship Him!