Day 4

I wish you were here with me right now. There are the sounds of about 125 children laughing, talking and singing. We are at the end of a children’s event for the children of the community and refugee camp. The children started by singing “This Is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” What a great song to sing for all of us. Those who are in a foreign land because of war, those of us here to share the good news of Jesus and those who are sharing their city with the hurting. God has indeed given us this day and this time. It is our choice to rejoice and be glad! The bible story was about 3 young men in a foreign land who refused to bow to anyone but the One true God. Their actions caused them to be thrown into a hot fire yet God was with them and took care of them. Amen! What a great message for us all. God is with us through the fire when we stand fast in His Righteousness. That is not just a good message for war torn refugees, but also for America and other nations choosing to bow to other gods. May we keep sharing Jesus at home as well as here in this distant land. Our travels today took us to the center of what some would consider the most dangerous places. We saw where violence and hatred has taken place. We were safe in our travels, but we were reminded that evil wears no specific color of face. Evil is in the heart of man and only the love of Jesus changes this. That is why we would even consider allowing our children to come and live here. The bible says it well when it says “The love of Christ compels”. Yes it does! With out Jesus we will all spend eternity in the most evil place. So it is imperative that we go and send. Please consider supporting our kids as they come here to live. If not them then someone called to the dark places. Without them coming to tell evil spreads and has a greater voice. Even if you don’t financially give PLEASE pray. The battle is real and our warrior children will be front line for His glory. To the ends of the earth… As I wrap this up the evening call to prayer is sounding. Please stop what you are doing now and pray for peace for the cease fire that goes into effect at sundown. God is at work among the people who are in darkness