Day 6

Ministry takes many forms here. There are ministry events daily not to mention home visits and one on one time. Today we worshipped with the church family who makes all of the ministry possible. We studied James 1:2-4 in Sunday School. The Syrian gentleman who taught was teaching on trials and counting it all joy when you encounter them. The trials these people face make my daily bumps look ridiculous. He used the example of a young man hit by a bomb while in the shower. This week we have heard about homes destroyed, family killed or missing, going from being a middle class family to living in a home made out of anything they could scrounge and find including cardboard, plastic, bits of tin, pieces of wood in a foreign country. My trials look super small even the large ones compared to what many of these people face. The teacher reminded us that these things produce patience and in the end maturity. What a challenge to me to endure with joy no matter what I face. As Les often says”it could be worse.” Indeed!
We spent the afternoon seeing a ruin the people here believe was the place where Jesus’ first miracle took place. Like many things there are stories that Jesus spent time in this area. Even if it is not the exact place it was easy to see how the Messiah took time walking the mountain sides, spending time with people He cared for and teaching about things they were experiencing along the way. Goats were on the mountainside, lilies where in the fields, rocks were everywhere, and a brook ran through the valley. So many stories came to mind. As I touched the leaves of an olive tree it was so easy to see Jesus in such a setting. We did not sample any wine or drink any water there? but we reflected once again on the rich history that surrounds these wonderful people and yet they are blind to it. Please pray as tomorrow we will journey to a ministry camp further inland. Pray for safety and for God to be glorified as we work and minister. He is good and loves these people. May they see that and long for Him.