Deuteronomy 4-7:

Last week as we were sitting in the middle east some of these verses came to life for me. We were in a northern city where we had evangelistic services 3 times through out the day. Each time the gathering place we were in was filled. Many women especially filled the room and as the music began to play they sang unfamiliar songs with some struggle. You could tell they liked the music but it was not a tune they knew. Then the pastor began to preach. The entire service was in Arabic with no translator, but by gestures, motions, and little bible knowledge it became apparent to me that he was asking them about the 10 commandments. The audience was participating in helping pastor recount the commandments. You could see sometimes he would say “so close” and someone else would fill in the missing part. He would smile big when they got them right and sorrowfully shake his head a little when the answer was not quite right. The audience laughed and smiled as they “won the game of naming the commandments. Then he preached using the commandments as his subject. It dawned on me about half way through the day that most of the congregation that was women had never been in the same room as the one teaching a lesson. In the Muslim world women are not honored and they cannot be in the worship room with the men in the Mosques. They must over hear the gospel in the next room. Many women are not taught to read or write so to have words handed to them on a page to sing by or even a bible put in their hands was an honor but not a helpful tool. One lady was asked to read a verse out loud. She was so proud of herself and the others were as well as she read. There are so many things I take for granted. My education and being able to read and write is one of them. Having my own copy of God’s word and being able to read it for myself daily and ask God about it myself are treasures I hope I never take for granted. Even to gather with fellow believers and sing and study without fear is a gift. Having no other God, worshiping Him only, Honoring His name, Making nothing in my life an idol, treating my parents and others with love and respect should all be not just things done because they are right, but things done daily in honor of My King. Our question for the day is do you obey the commands and if so, do you do it out of honor or compulsion. My challenge to you and me is to look around you and see what you may be taking for granted that are gifts from God. Thank Him for them today. Then take a few minutes to pray for people all over the world who do not have the freedoms you enjoy. Pray for those God is sending to bring them the Light of the Gospel.