Joshua 7-10

Years ago I was having a discussion with a young woman. She was inferring that the sins of one does not affect others. She was trying to prove her point about a specific issue that she thought should be okay saying it happens in private and really did not affect other people’s lives. Today’s scripture is where I took her to show her that the sins of one can, will, and does affect the whole body even if it is done in private. Achan was a man who lusted after a few items he had taken when Jericho was defeated. It was just a robe and a few pieces of silver and gold. His disobedience caused Israel to lose its battle with Ai because God chose not to be with them sense there was sin in the camp. It was a major defeat as a small army defeated Israel and the leaders of Israel went from being confident and trusting in God to fearing and weak. Joshua fled to his knees in prayer asking God what happened. God told him to Get UP! There was sin in the camp. Root out the sin and then victory will come. That is what they did and the end result was that Achan and his family were killed and Israel went back to Ai and wiped it off the map as well. This story has always made me consider and really pray asking God if there is any sin in my heart and life that would keep my family and my church from seeing success. When there is my job is to confess it and stay right with God. I don’t ever want to be the cause of evil towards those I love and cherish. I also don’t want anything to stand between me and God. It is not just from fear that I obey but a true love for the One who keeps my life on the Path of Promise. By the way, that young lady realized in time the truth of the passage and she too walks right with God out of love and devotion to Him. It is so sweet when we trust God and His word to lead us in right paths.