Judges 14-18

Two things stood out to me from this reading. Everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes and there is no indication they were reading or trying to live by God’s word. It sounds much like life today where “truth is relative” because our culture doesn’t believe the Bible is God’s word. When there is no foundation to line our morals up with people go by what “feels right”. That is why God gave us His word because it alone is the standard for right and wrong. It is why God wanted each king to write his own copy. If we line our lives up by God’s word there is one standard. The Levite in Micah’s story was just as bad as Samson about doing what they deemed right and we are no different when we choose to neglect Truth for our feelings. It is a great reminder for why we spend time daily in God’s word so that we may KNOW what is right and wrong. When we do wrong we immediately confess it and get back on the right path. Obedience still brings blessing and disobedience brings conflict.