1 Samuel 17-20, Psalm 59

When we were expecting our second son Les and I were considering what we wanted his name to be. I had challenged myself to read through the bible during that pregnancy reading the bible aloud many days to already put the word of God into his heart from the time he was in my womb. As I read through the characters Caleb, the mighty warrior and man of faith and Jonathan, the loyal friend stayed with me. Neither of these characters had to be the one in command to make a difference for the Lord, yet in God’s eyes, they were His men.
Today we study Jonathan’s relationship with David. Jonathan made a covenant with David as his friend even when it meant Jonathan would not be king. I can’t imagine what the atmosphere was like the day that David and Jonathan met in the field after Saul declared his hatred for David and tried to kill Jonathan. As they hugged and tears ran they knew it would be the last time for a long time when they could be together. Jonathan’s love for David allowed David to go. True love sometimes calls for allowing difficult things to happen for the good of the other.
Our Jonathan Caleb Hughes is now a young man waiting on God to provide a place to pastor and being faithful to what God has and is opening up for him to do today. I am amazed and thankful he is a man of God who says, “With God all things are possible” just like the Caleb he is named for. He is also one of the most loyal of friends to those God has given him through the years. Whoever gets this young pastor will get a mighty man of God who loves and cherishes those in his congregation! May we all be ready to take on God’s plans for us as well as be loyal to those God sends us as friends.