Psalm 119:89-176

One of the major differences between David and most of us is this verse. 119:97 97 “Oh how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day.” For David this was true of his life. He loved God’s word and made it his default as to where he ran during trouble, anxiety, need, want, and joy. His purpose was to keep God’s law in every way. When I measure my life by this verse I fall so short. I am better than I have ever been, but I still fail to measure up. I remember 20 years ago being a part of a Life Action Ministries Revival. As a part of that revival we had to do a Complete Spiritual. It was like a complete physical exam poking and prodding every area of our spiritual lives. The exam was done by asking questions. You could only answer questions with a yes or no. No explanations as to why it was in the middle. The revival pastor’s goal was not to guilt us but to spur us on to walking closer to God. One of the questions I had to answer no to was did I love God’s word. Did I have a passion for it. I knew I read His word. I obeyed it, but I did not love it nor did I have a passion for it. I was embarrassed to admit that, but honesty in answering the questions allowed me to make needed change. The pastor did not guilt us, but he taught us to pray for a passion for God word. That began a wonderful journey for me, and if you asked me today if I loved God’s word and had a passion for it I could tell you without a blink of the eye, YES! He began stripping away all I held on to in order to show me all I needed. His word became life to me. It was a hard journey, but I am much richer for it. So here is your question today, Do you love God’s word or has it become duty to you? Do you have a passion for it? If not, I challenge you to pray and ask God to help you to love it and have a passion for it. See what marvelous things you have been missing. Then you and I like David may be called a woman or man after God’s own heart. Come join the journey!