Proverbs 27-29

Don’t you just love it when you walk into a place and there is a pleasing smell?  The smell of watermelon may make you think of a warm summer day or family reunion. This time of year honeysuckle is a wonderful aroma or maybe you are like me and enjoy the sweet smell of gardenia.

Proverbs 27:9 “Oil and perfume make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.”

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Though these smells bring glad memories, the sweetness of a friend who gives wise counsel is even better. Last year this time I was walking through one of the hardest times of my life. Some sweet friends invited me to a lake house for some rest and renewal. Those days were pivotal in my spiritual and emotional well being.

This morning I find myself watching the sunrise in the same lake house but in a much better place mentally, physically and spiritually. The comfort of friendship and these ladies counsel has been great encouragement to me.

Do you know someone in need of encouragement today? Don’t let this moment pass without being the sweet aroma of Christ to her. Maybe you can even tuck a sweet smelling candle in a gift bag for her as well. If you are the one in need, don’t isolate yourself. Take the initiative to spend time with someone you trust and who can speak the wisdom of God’s word into you. Even if you don’t address what you are struggling with, just being with a friend and having fellowship will brighten your day.