Proverbs 16:17-33 Today a sale is being held to help one of our senior saints in my church prepare to go and live with her daughter a few hours away. Even as I have pondered how hard it is for our sweet friend, I am reminded of the many times she has been a prayer warrior for me personally and for many around me. The verse from Proverbs we read so describes her.
31Gray hair is a glorious crown;
it is found in the way of righteousness.
Now granted her gray hair is always covered with a little color, but it is there underneath. I laugh thinking about the time she said “You know how I get rid of wrinkles?” We were all like NO HOW. Immediately she threw her arms up and stretched out her mid section and said, “Just like this.” We all rolled laughing. She is the woman you call when you know things aren’t going well and you need extra support. I went to her house one day to visit and she said, come here and let me show you my prayer closet. Sure enough I walked to a closet in her hallway and she had set it up with a lamp, a small desk, and prayer notes and scripture was pinned up all around the tiny room. The righteous way is certainly found in her. I grieve for our community as she prepares to move, but I know she will love being with her family. Instead of grieving I believe God would want all of us to step up. He would desire for us to become prayer warriors as she is. She would long for us to smile and show the love of Jesus to all around. We will never take your place Jeanette Harris, but we can spread your message of Hope. You are loved!