Haste Makes Waste

Proverbs 19:1-14 “Haste makes waste”. That is one of many saying my mom used to say. I can see her now, a mother of `5 scurrying to try to get everything done and without fail something fell through and she would say, “Haste makes waste.” I used to think that was just another of those old saying repeated often that made a lot of sense, but today in Proverbs this verse jumped out at me. 19:2 “Desire without knowledge is not good,
and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” We can run so fast that we get ahead of God’s plan. We can also run so fast that things and even people can slip through our fingers. Maybe we also need to be reminded to “slow down and smell the flowers.” Much of life happens as we are rushing around and creating sometimes more chaos than there needs to be. Don’t miss what God is trying to say and show you. See the people, nature, and even yes the beautiful flowers that are in your path. Listen to those who are hurting, look in their eyes. The pay off will be great and if you don’t get quite at much done…. well that which you will get done will be done with excellence because you took the time to do it right.