What Are You Living For?

1 Peter 4:1-11: What are you living for? I remember as a child living for Christmas to come or summer break from school. The older I got I remember living for the day I would get my license and be able to drive even if the first care I drove was an old gold LTD. lol. I remember living for the day I would get married or have our first cild. But all of these things came and went and though I have loved so many of the things, but they were not eternal. The thing I live life for now is recorded in 1 Peter 4.
1″Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.”
Human passions is a good way to describe my fleshly wants. I am sure part of it is because that is what our culture tells us is the normal pattern of things, but oh how God wants so much more for us that just following the culture of our day. It really isn’t about what I get like Christmas presents and cars. It isn’t even about having a man or child that we think will complete us (no thanks to so many things seen on tv and the movies). What completes us is doing the will of our Father in heaven. Yes, these events can be enriching and we can enjoy them, but if we marry just not to be single or have a child because everyone is saying “when are you going to start a family?” and even feel like we are “less than” because we are not doing these things we need to remember that God’s path for every believer can be different. So live for the rest of your days on earth no longer for earthly desires or passions but to do the will of the Father who loves you more than words could ever express!