Exodus 29-32: My heart breaks for Moses and for God in this passage. Moses was on the mountain for a little over a month. The people had heard God’s voice and did not want to be physically close to Him. They feared God, but not enough. They assumed that because Moses and Joshua had not returned that they were probably dead and they began to slip back into their old way of life. They began by questioning. Then they turned back to the gods of their old culture. Aaron was a part of the chaos because he fashioned the calf out of their gold jewelry.
I wonder sometimes if that is not exactly how we act as well. We get away from hearing God and His word. Maybe we stop going to church consistently. We stop hanging out with godly friends and influences. Then slowly we fade back into our old way of life. It doesn’t happen all at once or we would never go back. It is just a cooling of our spiritual fire. Eventually there are warm coals underneath where a fire once burned, but we are far from the source of our heat.
It doesn’t have to be this way. For Israel, there was severe punishment that ensued after this to remind the people of who God really is. Thousands lost their lives as a result. His power was made clear again. God takes His position seriously.
In our lives it may look differently, but God will go as far as He needs to draw you back to Himself. Some call this Holy Discipline. Others call it true love. As a parent we know how this is when you have to take things from your children that are not good for them or can cause harm to them or others. (hide the Tide pods). But we know for them to live and do well they need discipline. We too need the love of our Father to gently yet strongly move us back into a right relationship with Him where the fires of our soul burn brightly again. He longs for close relationship with us.
If you find yourself cooling with the Father, spend some time talking to Him about it. He knows your circumstance. Tell Him you are sorry and ask Him to help you burn brightly again. Ask Him to forgive you for slipping back into your old way of life. Then do the things you once did to experience a reviving of your spirit. Prayer and Bible study are a great place to begin. Make plans now to attend church Sunday and call a Christian friend to have a meal with. Your fire will soon blaze again and your joy will be restored. The choice is yours.