Who Do You Trust To Give Counsel

2 Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 19; Psalms 20; 53; 60; 75: Who do you listen to for counsel? Is it someone who is older and has experienced much? Is it someone who is a strong believer that has lived a life that matches their talk? Or is it a peer or someone who hasn’t got a whole lot of experience, but is willing to give their opinion?

In today’s scripture we see Hanun, a young ruler whose father had just died. King David sent ambassadors to convey his condolences. Hanun had some advisers that counseled him that David’s envoys were really spies and they were scouting his kingdom. In a bold yet senseless move Hanun had the men’s beards shaved and cut their robes off at the middle exposing them. The ambassadors returned home in shame. David’s intercepted them and had them stay in an outpost city until their beards grew back. David then took action and went to war with Hanun. David and his people won. This battle did not have to happen, but bad counsel drew King David into battle.

In our lives, have we taken bad counsel and experienced conflict because of it? Maybe you were dating someone who was not a believer and your Christian friends advised you to back away, but your unbelieving friends told you that you and this guy were perfect for each other. You really liked him so you took the advise and counsel of the wrong people. There may still be things you are dealing with because of this counsel.

This is just one example, but we could talk about job situations, family conflict, friend conflict and so many more struggles that could come from listening to the wrong people or even making more of something than is really there. Hanun certainly did that because David was just sending condolences because Hanun’s father had been kind to him. Do you over think things sometimes and cause conflict? You can even create problems that never exist.

Choose wisely who you take counsel from. Look for trusted Christian leaders who walk their talk. PRAY!!!! As the Great Counselor to give you wisdom and discernment. Don’t make more of something than what is there.