John 7-9: Where does your heart and mind stay most of the time? Is it thinking about college sports? Is it in your business or in a project you are working on? Maybe it is even in your family? There is nothing wrong with any of these things being on our mind and keeping mindful of them. Some will take greater importance in your mind space than others. God wants us to have our minds and hearts stayed on Him. One of the ways we do that is by staying in His word then applying the truths we learn to all of the area our mind and heart run to daily.
John 8:31 “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.”
As we read His word and take it to heart, we will be better business people, parents, workers, and yes even football fans. lol. As we do our jobs as unto the Lord, love the people we are leading, worshiping with, or even cheering with we do it with a greater purpose and that is to lead them into a deeper relationship with Jesus. In turn we too grow deeper in love with the One we will spend eternity with. May we see our time in God’s word as more than just something to check off of the list but where we abide!