
Nehemiah 8, Haggai 1,Acts 25:1-12, Revelation 18:11-24, Psalm 140: I woke up this morning thinking about what it would really look like if churches repented of their pasts. In the book of Nehemiah as they read the scroll they realized how far they had strayed from God’s path. They repented with tears and mourning. They were truly sorry for the sins of their past. Though not each person was involved in every sin, they confessed the sins of their nation and asked God for forgiveness. They wanted to know His blessings again.

I wonder if that is not what is wrong with the church in our day. Are we still living in the sin of yesterday’s failures? Have we as The Church confessed our sin? Have individual churches that have experienced moral failures, division, hatred, envy of others inside and outside the church, racism, jealousy and so many more sin confessed those to God? Would our churches look different and even greater act different if we did?

In Nehemiah they did confess their sin, but then the neatest thing happened. Their leaders commanded them to stop mourning and to celebrate! They were to celebrate by eating of the fat of the land and drinking of the fruit of the vine. They were to look for others who had none and share with them. They were to fellowship and rejoice because God heals, forgives, and answers prayer. They were to live in the abundance of His grace that He was pouring out on them.

Oh church, I long for this in my own life, church, community, and nation. I long to see us the church get right with God, confess the sins that have held us down, and allow God to bring fresh Wind and fresh Fire among us. I pray for and long for revival. If you have gotten this far in this devotion, I pray this will stir you too to confess any known sin in your own life. Confess the sins of your church. I know you are not the pastor probably, but God hears all of our prayers. Join me in confessing the sins of our nation and pray for healing to begin. Then as we prepare to celebrate over the next week we really will experience not just Christmas, but revival of heart, mind and soul as well. What a great gift to give and receive this Christmas.