November 30: Titus 3:4-7


My favorite ballgame to watch is the one I know my team wins.  I love to watch movies that I know have a happy ending.  You may say, “Page where is the fun in that you already know the outcome.”  For me there is peace and security in knowing the ending is good.

God knew because we were human we would fail and need a redemption plan in order to have a happily ever after.  Our reading today shares God’s answer.

Titus 3:4-7:  “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared,  he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”

That may seem very deep to you, but what it is saying is that God knew sending Jesus was the only answer to our fallen state. We could never be good enough, religious enough, smart enough, wise enough. According to the Bible even our most righteous acts are dirty rags.  We needed someone who could pay for our wrongs since we could not do it ourselves. Because of what Jesus did through being born a human who lived a perfect life and giving himself to be crucified for our wrongs, we can be washed clean.  Not only that He sent a Helper, the Holy Spirit, that resides in the heart of all believers.

This Christmas season you will probably open one or many gifts, but none will compare with the gift God gave us through His Son Jesus.  That is why we celebrate!!  That is why His birth is such a big deal.  That is why Christmas is so much more than trees, lights, songs, sweets, and even family.  We use all of these things to remind us of the true Gift!

Stephanie Thompson from Louisville writes:

“I’ve been thinking tonight about the beginning of the advent season and the hope that it brings with it, this “settled certainty” that its already been done. I wanted to share this song because I think it says it so beautifully, the work of the Father, revealed in the Son….”

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11 thoughts on “November 30: Titus 3:4-7

  1. Can you think of gifts that you received over the years that left you speechless? I can think of one that my husband gave me several years ago, and a special one that my daughter gave me, however the Gift of God’s Son is that “indescribable gift”, one that leaves me speechless, and causes me to fall to my knees in worship to Him.

    • Can I remember gifts that left me speechless? As I sit here pondering your question, I realilize that I can’t remember what I got most years. Why then, why do we stress and worry about giving or getting things that make no lasting impression? What is the lesson we are passing on to our children? What I do remember is the love. Christmas is God showing His love for you. His greatest commandment to us is about love. My prayer, is that God show me how to love more like Him this Christmas.

  2. Great way to start the morning! I am reminded of something a person I worked with a lot in Celebrate Recovery would always pray. “Lord, thank you for loving me enough to meet me exactly where I am…but then loving me enough to not leave me there.” So grateful God met me exactly where I was…he didn’t wait until I was good enough, holy enough, smart enough, a whole list of “enoughs” I would never be. He came right in the moment of my greatest need in a gentle spirit but then sternly, like a good Father, pushed me out of the mess I had made of my life.

  3. If you have been flipping through the channels in recent days, no doubt you have seen the adorable pictures of the Prince William and Kate’s 2 children. What precious heirs to the Royal British Kingdom! While those images are sweet to see for a brief moment, it pales in comparison as we think of the birth of Christ, and His willingness to come to us to save the entire world! We did nothing to deserve this gift, but God generously poured out His love, mercy and grace so that we could be heirs with Him “having the hope of eternal life.” Imagine that! If you have accepted this wonderful gift of salvation, you are an heir to Christ for eternity!

  4. Again for me the focus needs to be what He has done. Not what I do. I can never decorate enough or buy enough presents or buy the best gift fix the best dinner have the cleanest house.
    I chased that goal my whole life.
    God is saying to me …Vicki your enough, enough for me to send my only Son to die for you on a cross. Jesus gave it ALL. Those are not just words. He really gave it all. The least I can do is give Him December.

  5. So the Christmas elves made their appearance at our house this morning. In an effort to remind my kids of the real Christmas story, I typed out the first two versus of Luke 2 and had the elves holding the verses as they displayed their mischief, which was dumping out a bowl of oranges and then sitting on the upturned bucket with the oranges scattered around. I was hoping that my 9 year old daughter would at least notice the verses. Her reaction when she saw the scene was “oh wow, look…the elves are acting out the verses and the oranges represent the Romans returning to their hometowns for the census”. Not only did she notice the verses, but she recognized them and appreciated them. As an adult, I don’t often appreciate seeing God’s word represented in everyday life–I think I need to pay closer attention.

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