Genesis 6-7

Evil, evil, evil all around. God was sad He had made man. That is how the bible described Noah’s day. And yet God had compassion and mercy and saved Noah and his family as well as a pair of every kind of animal on the earth. Noah was 800 years old then. I wonder what the scene must have looked like as God shut the door to the ark. Had the rain begun to drizzle? Was it just as the last paw crossed the threshold? I can’t fathom how much food was needed for that many animals. Did Noah have a clue what was about to happen?
No matter what we face today it is not as challenging as building an ark and saving the animal population. You may feel as though God has called you to something beyond your ability to handle. God was with Noah and He is with you and when the time is right He closes doors that need closing and opens other doors. He provides for and sustains His children. He makes a way when there seems to be no way. In the darkest of days God knows exactly where you and I are and what is best for us. What great reminders.

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One thought on “Genesis 6-7

  1. Great word, Page! What an encouragement to know God is with us to lead and guide whether we are called to build an ark, or trust Him for our daily bread!

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