Genesis 10-11:

Have you ever contemplated the power of unity? One of the my favorite quotes from Drive Thru Christmas was an older woman who said “It is amazing how it brings our church together when we work together on one thing.” She was stating how we often work in different areas, but for that one week everyone’s focus is on sharing the gospel story. The end result this year was over 186 people came to know the Lord. More have professed Jesus in follow up visits. When people work as one we can accomplish amazing things! We can also get ourselves in some real messes if we are unified going in the wrong direction or with the wrong attitude which is what we find in the scripture today. Genesis 11:And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” They were not building to honor the Lord but to try to reach Him or if the truth were known to surpass Him. So much like the garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve to become “like God”. How foolish we are to ever think we can match or even come close to God.
God saw how effective their unity was and chose to confuse the languages. The end result was that the people spread abroad. There will come a day when once again in unity. When Jesus returns every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Until then I believe it is God’s desire that The Church learn to work as one not divided by campus or denomination but seeing that the days are evil and those who love Jesus need to be united furthering the Kingdom.