Genesis 20-23

Are you going through a testing of your faith? Abraham sure knew how you felt. I can’t imagine how he must have felt as he tied the hands and feet of his son. Genesis 22 records his total trust in God even as he bound his son. The God says 12He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” NOW I KNOW THAT YOU FEAR GOD. It was a test. A difficult all in test. Abraham passed and God provided, but Abraham had to go through the test. As I ponder the test I wonder who the test was really for. Was it for God? Doubtful because God already knew Abraham’s heart and how the test would turn out. He is timeless. Was it for Abraham? Abraham may have needed to see that God would provide even if He allowed the most awful thing to happen. Was it for Isaac to see that his father had a total devotion to the one true God! Was it for the young men or those who would hear the story in the days to come? Was it for you and me because as we read it we are blown away by Abraham’s faith and even greater than that, God’s provision. I am sure it is for all of us. God wanted a picture of what whole heart trust looks like.
If you are encountering a testing right now my first encouragement to you is to hold on. God has a plan. Know that what you are going through is not in vain, and though you may not see a way out now, God will provide. God’s greatest desire for you is to trust Him and know that even when things look bleak He is faithful. Second is to remember there are many observing you including family, friends, and even people you may not be aware of. They are watching to see if your faith is real. And last, God’s plans are so much greater for you than you will ever know and you don’t have to understand it all just to walk in faith. Endure my friend with faith. God’s got a plan.