Genesis 24-26

The value of a good wife is far above rubies so the proverb says. In today’s reading we see Rebecca, Isaac’s wife and what made her a joy as a wife. From the beginning when the servant came to look for her he immediately saw her generosity and hard work. She offered the servant water but also watered his camels and offered them overnight accommodations. She was hospitable and even adventurous as she chose to go with the servant with no delay. She must have had a great sense of humor as well because Abimelech saw them laughing together and though Isaac said she was his sister Abimelech knew she was his wife. In contrast Essau is recorded as marrying at the end of chapter 26, and of his wives it is recorded 35 “and they made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah.” I guess the reasonable question to ask is what kind of wife am I to my husband? I pray that my spirit will be generous, hard working, kind, hospitable, loving and fun. May we as wives never be said to be bitter and make life hard.