Job 1-5:

1:7 The Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” Have you ever thought about the relationship between God and Satan? Job allows us to peak into their relationship. Here are a few things I observed from what I read.
* Satan is in submission to God
* He has to ask permission before touching one of God’s children
* Satan is in no way as powerful as God
* God is in authority over all created things including Satan
* Satan is allowed to sift God’s people by God’s permission
* God never leaves His children in Satan’s power. He still limits him.
We will spend several days studying Job and all that happened to him. He was handed some of the most sever sifting I have ever seen or heard of. Yet he remained faithful to God. He did complain some lol but even then God says that he was faithful and God used his testimony even to us thousands of years later to show that no matter how difficult life can get God is still in control and He will take care of you. Yes Job went through much, but in the end God restored much of what he had and even gave him more. Some might question, well what about his children though. They were not given back. You are right and it was a devastating loss, but God is eternal and when Job got to heaven I wonder if he did not have his children there along with the children God blessed him with after. No matter how difficult it gets, God is still in control and He will sustain and carry you.