Together Quiet Time

IMG_0690This quiet time is designed to have time with just you and the Lord. Grab your bible and a notebook along with this page to guide you through a special time with the Lord.

Spend your first few minutes praising God for who He is. List 10 characteristics of God you praise Him for.

God is so good and holy that He desires no sin to stand between you and Him. Take a few minutes to confess any sin. Sit still and ask Him to reveal any sin and agree with Him and confess it. (don’t be afraid, He has forgiven it already. He just wants you to acknowledge it.)

Take a time to look back over Matthew 5-7, Is there an area we looked at last night that you need God to help you in? If so ask Him. He is faithful and will help you.

Is there a relationship you need to make right? Today we will be talking about fellowship and breaking bread together. Having right relationships is huge in building togetherness. Pray for any strained relationship.

Using your notebook take a few minutes to write out a prayer to the Father. List any concerns or worries that have caused you anxiety. List the names of family and friends you want to lift to Him.

Now it is time to just listen. Sit quietly and write down anything you feel like God is saying to you.

Before you get up and run to the next thing, take a few minutes to just praise God and give Him thanks. List 15 things you are thankful for.