The closest thing to heaven has to be when you are worshiping with believers from around the world. Today we had a taste of heaven and God was so good to have an amazing translator who translated everything spoken in Saswati so we could understand. As our brothers and sisters sang in both languages we all knew the presence of the Lord. My favorite song kept repeating “Oh how I love Him.” My heart swelled with love for the Lord and just a reverent awe that He would allow me to be a part of such a special time of worship.
The pastor preached on how we are all adopted as sons of God and how He had a plan for us from the foundation of the world. I nearly shouted out in praise when the pastor led us to Judges chapter 11 where the story of Jephthah is told. That is the story we had read this week in our daily reading. He quoted almost word for word what I had written in my devotion about God choosing His leaders regardless of their backgrounds or heritage. He chooses us because He chooses us. We are not chosen because we are the best or the greatest. The pastor talked about many of the people not even knowing who their parents were. Many have been rejected by their families just as Jephthah was. But God accepts us because of what Jesus has done for us. Hallelujah! What a great reminder to all of us that God loves us and has a purpose for our lives.
After the service we walked across the bumpy dirt road for a fat cake and cold coke Swazi style. Gene’ smiled with great pride as she showed us how she “survived” in the hut those 2 months. lol We came back this evening to get Cindy to the airport for her return flight. Please be praying for her for safe travel and that she get the rest needed. She returns to work Tuesday. Ruth and I will be here with Gene’ until Thursday evening and then we will return.
Tomorrow has lots of plans for ministry. We will be providing breakfast to the Swazi national staff in the morning. Then at lunch we will provide “chicken dust” for the Timbali crafts ladies and will be having a devotion time with them. In the evening we will be having a sips and strokes painting party with the ladies on staff. So as you can see it will be a full day. Please continue to pray.