Belize Trip 31January Updates

I started this journey asking for lots of prayer. My fear hit a fevered pitch when at the last minute I was asked to lead worship. I had already left home, had no music, no words, only what God would do. On the flight over I prayed and thought about what God would have us do. He reminded me of an old Andre Crouch song entitled “Thank You Lord”. The words are
Thank you Lord.
I just want to thank You
I just want to thank You
Thank You Lord.
I just want to thank You Lord.

We started the first evening by having testimonies of thanksgiving for things that had happened to get us here. It ended with thanksgiving for what was to come. We sang our thanks to God, and all week we saw and heard Him answering prayers.

We saw men who were hard of heart turn from rejecting the gospel to acceptance. This nation is in desperate need of men coming to Jesus and being spiritual leaders. God has planted 2 missionary leaders here to fan the flame of men’s ministry. One has started a prayer group that meets weekly and they pray through the night. There are 8 to 10 men praying with him from several denomination and countries. God is about to do some amazing things. Please keep them in your prayers.

We saw many of our team share the gospel for the first time. They did a great job! The gospel seed was planted and there are new brothers and sisters in Christ. Our team will return home bolder and ready to share in their communities and homes.

We have brought medical care to some of the sickest and those in the greatest need. One of my favorite memories will be of Dr. Matt one of our younger doctors. His specialty is GI medicine but this week he caught and diagnosed a young child who had a heart defect. After listening to her heart and observing, He asked the mother about a special behavior a child with this defect would have. The mother took out her phone and showed him a picture of the child in the very position. She said it happened frequently. He was floored! Please pray for this child and her family. Without a major operation the child’s life could be brief.

I could go on and on with stories. If I see you and you ask I will be glad to give you more. ? please know our mission team is so grateful for all of your prayers. We have been blessed to be your hands and feet. I will try to write tomorrow about our worship time today. Please pray for us one more time as we travel home tomorrow. Again thank you for living on mission with us.