Belize Trip: Travel Day






Thank you for praying for our team. We have seen God’s hand all over our trip. We started our morning with Pleasant, a beautiful Delta agent. She lived up to her name!

We proceeded to the security where the woman processing documents asked the couple in front of me if they were… They said yes they were and she said “I was praying for you yesterday.”. They looked as shocked as I was but thanked the sweet lady. I asked if she went to church with the them and she said no. I just thought about them yesterday and prayed for them. I quickly told her we were a mission team and would love for her to pray for us. Immediately she began praying out loud for us and for the people of Belize that their hearts would be open to the gospel and that we would be as blessed as those we would see. As she said amen she handed us our documents, then said “Have a great trip.” We were blown away.

God was blessing us in crazy ways. One woman walked past us just out of the blue and said she had overheard what we were doing and she was praying for us. One of my favorite stories was Glenda, another wonderful flight attendant who asked one of our team members if she wanted cookies, pretzels, or peanuts. Our team member said yes and a Coke. Again the attendant asked cookies, pretzels, peanuts? To which again the team member said yes and a Coke. Laughing I said no she is asking which one. The team member laughed and said “oh cookies and a Coke.” She served our other team members then turned with a grin and with two hands full of snacks she gifted us snacks galore.

What a great picture of the bounty God has given us all day long. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them coming. The rest of the team comes tomorrow.