Genesis 30-33

Jacob started life as a pampered son of his mother, but as he walked into adulthood he became a hard worker. The scripture records how he watched over Laban’s flock night and day. He took responsibility for any of the flock that came up missing or injured. Even when he chose his own flock he moved them 3 day’s journey away and was able to manage them as well as oversee Laban’s flock. When he decided to leave he informed his family and though Rachel stole her father’s idols without Jacob’s knowledge, Jacob must have raised the rest of his family to honor and trust God. He worked hard to give his family spiritual guidance as well as provide. On the night when Jacob had sent his wives and children on, Jacob wrestled with God all night telling him in the end he would not release Him until He had blessed him. To wrestle all night long and even in weariness not to give up is true hard work. Jacob asked for a blessing and God gave him a limp. A LIMP? How could the blessing of working hard and holding on to God be a LIMP! Maybe the greatest work of all was to choose daily to depend on the Lord and to know in weakness we are strong. May we be faithful even when our blessing from hard work is a broken body or human frailty. May we see that in our weakness He is our strength. May we also remember these earthly dwellings are preparing us for something so much greater than here on earth. Until He comes we too will press on.

Genesis 27-29

It is so easy to get frustrated and confused when reading how Jacob stole his brother’s blessing. Esau willingly gave the birthright for a bowl of soup, but Jacob and his mother planned and carried out falsehood when taking the blessing. Yet in chapter 28 when Rebecca convinces Isaac that Jacob should get a wife from back home Isaac blessed Jacob again on his journey. It is as though Isaac knew that Jacob should be blessed and had the right heart even though he showed favoritism toward Esau. Wonder why Isaac is not recorded as having set things straight or addressed the known sin? Instead he confirms the blessing. There are probably several things going on in this dysfunctional family. It looks as though it is wife led and that can lead to problems. The man is supposed to be the head of the home. Isaac had heard what was revealed to Rebecca even from the time the children were in her womb. Did he not trust what was told to her? The sons’ jealousy and rivalry is evident from the beginning. There may have been a sense deep down inside of Isaac that Jacob was to be the child of blessing because of Esau’s decisions and lack of respect for his place in the family. God knew Esau’s heart and his decisions about his wives reinforced the attitude of his heart.
No matter what was going on in each person’s heart, God was still in control. God got Jacob’s attention and in the end broke his attitude and heart. The deceiver was deceived. God was going to conquer Jacob to bless him. Deception would be a part of his life for his entire life. It continued through his sons. I am thankful God chose to use him anyway because it gives me hope because I too am a broken individual that longs to be right with God.

Genesis 24-26

The value of a good wife is far above rubies so the proverb says. In today’s reading we see Rebecca, Isaac’s wife and what made her a joy as a wife. From the beginning when the servant came to look for her he immediately saw her generosity and hard work. She offered the servant water but also watered his camels and offered them overnight accommodations. She was hospitable and even adventurous as she chose to go with the servant with no delay. She must have had a great sense of humor as well because Abimelech saw them laughing together and though Isaac said she was his sister Abimelech knew she was his wife. In contrast Essau is recorded as marrying at the end of chapter 26, and of his wives it is recorded 35 “and they made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah.” I guess the reasonable question to ask is what kind of wife am I to my husband? I pray that my spirit will be generous, hard working, kind, hospitable, loving and fun. May we as wives never be said to be bitter and make life hard.

Genesis 20-23

Are you going through a testing of your faith? Abraham sure knew how you felt. I can’t imagine how he must have felt as he tied the hands and feet of his son. Genesis 22 records his total trust in God even as he bound his son. The God says 12He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” NOW I KNOW THAT YOU FEAR GOD. It was a test. A difficult all in test. Abraham passed and God provided, but Abraham had to go through the test. As I ponder the test I wonder who the test was really for. Was it for God? Doubtful because God already knew Abraham’s heart and how the test would turn out. He is timeless. Was it for Abraham? Abraham may have needed to see that God would provide even if He allowed the most awful thing to happen. Was it for Isaac to see that his father had a total devotion to the one true God! Was it for the young men or those who would hear the story in the days to come? Was it for you and me because as we read it we are blown away by Abraham’s faith and even greater than that, God’s provision. I am sure it is for all of us. God wanted a picture of what whole heart trust looks like.
If you are encountering a testing right now my first encouragement to you is to hold on. God has a plan. Know that what you are going through is not in vain, and though you may not see a way out now, God will provide. God’s greatest desire for you is to trust Him and know that even when things look bleak He is faithful. Second is to remember there are many observing you including family, friends, and even people you may not be aware of. They are watching to see if your faith is real. And last, God’s plans are so much greater for you than you will ever know and you don’t have to understand it all just to walk in faith. Endure my friend with faith. God’s got a plan.

Genesis 14-19

So many huge hinges in today’s reading. Abram’s getting ahead of God through Ishmael reminds me of how often I try to “help” God only to mess everything up. God was so good to forgive Abram and Sarah and in time give them the gift of their son. Issac’s birth is foretold and Sarah laughs. I can’t imagine what Abraham and Sarah must have felt or thought. I love how the bible says Sarah was beyond child bearing abilities. Just like God to do the impossible. What is impossible for men is possible with God!!! He laughs when we think we can “handle things” when He knows we can’t. That is why He so longs for us to trust Him and know He has our best at hand.
The sign of the circumcision, the cutting away of flesh was an important sign not just of fleshly wound, but of submission to God. Abraham and Ishmael both showed their submission to God as together father and son along with all in their homes. God has found a servant who believes and acts in obedience to Him and God promises to bless Abraham’s children. Eventually God will send His own Son through this family as well. The perfect Son sent through many generations of imperfect men and women. Jesus alone could save us all from our sin so that we too would not end up like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Genesis 12-13:

I am so grateful for biblical examples of men and women who heard from God and chose obedience. Today’s passage record how Abram heard God and left his homeland. He built an altar to the Lord when he got to his destination. Once Lott had chosen the better land again Abram heard from God and Abram believed that the land God said would be his was his and again obeyed by walking through it.
Hearing from God is not just an old testament thing. We can hear from God as well and obey. God uses His word to speak to us daily. He can use others to encourage us or to give wisdom, but I believe God speaks to us through His Holy Spirit that abides in each of us. Jesus told the disciples He was sending a Helper who would guide them, give them counsel, convict of sin, and comfort them. This same Spirit would not speak His own words but would speak what He heard from the Father. That same Holy Spirit takes up residence in each believer and the bible says we are sealed with Him until the day of redemption. We do hear from God when we listen not out loud like the television or radio, but through His Spirit giving guidance and direction.
Thank you Lord for Your Spirit that lives in me.

Genesis 10-11:

Have you ever contemplated the power of unity? One of the my favorite quotes from Drive Thru Christmas was an older woman who said “It is amazing how it brings our church together when we work together on one thing.” She was stating how we often work in different areas, but for that one week everyone’s focus is on sharing the gospel story. The end result this year was over 186 people came to know the Lord. More have professed Jesus in follow up visits. When people work as one we can accomplish amazing things! We can also get ourselves in some real messes if we are unified going in the wrong direction or with the wrong attitude which is what we find in the scripture today. Genesis 11:And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.” They were not building to honor the Lord but to try to reach Him or if the truth were known to surpass Him. So much like the garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve to become “like God”. How foolish we are to ever think we can match or even come close to God.
God saw how effective their unity was and chose to confuse the languages. The end result was that the people spread abroad. There will come a day when once again in unity. When Jesus returns every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Until then I believe it is God’s desire that The Church learn to work as one not divided by campus or denomination but seeing that the days are evil and those who love Jesus need to be united furthering the Kingdom.

Genesis 8-9, Psalm 12

Genesis 8:21And when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, the Lord said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. ”
This verse struck me as I read. God chose to make this promise and seal it with the rainbow, but how sad for God to say that man’s heart is evil from his youth. It just reaffirms that our sin nature unchecked will always lead to death, violence and destruction. If we want to know why evil is happening so often these days it is because man has chosen not to resist the evil in his heart. Left to our own, we are self seeking, prideful, arrogant and want our way above all. It is only when we train our hearts and minds to think of others and love selflessly that we will see peace. God punished all of the earth, the ground and animals the first time. He will not do that again by His promise but man will suffer the consequences of his sin.

Genesis 6-7

Evil, evil, evil all around. God was sad He had made man. That is how the bible described Noah’s day. And yet God had compassion and mercy and saved Noah and his family as well as a pair of every kind of animal on the earth. Noah was 800 years old then. I wonder what the scene must have looked like as God shut the door to the ark. Had the rain begun to drizzle? Was it just as the last paw crossed the threshold? I can’t fathom how much food was needed for that many animals. Did Noah have a clue what was about to happen?
No matter what we face today it is not as challenging as building an ark and saving the animal population. You may feel as though God has called you to something beyond your ability to handle. God was with Noah and He is with you and when the time is right He closes doors that need closing and opens other doors. He provides for and sustains His children. He makes a way when there seems to be no way. In the darkest of days God knows exactly where you and I are and what is best for us. What great reminders.

Genesis 3-5

Genesis 3 is the saddest chapter of the bible to me. It is when man fell from a perfect relationship with God. It did not happen with great fanfare or even a lot of hype. It took one series of choices that brought separation from God. Disobedience does that. It severed what had been an intimate relationship with God when woman and man chose to go against what God said. Satan definitely tempted, but it was the choice that resulted in the separation. I am so grateful that chapter 3 also contains the redemption plan for man. The snake would bruise the heel of the seed, but He would crush the serpent’s head. Even then Jesus was the antidote to sin’s venom. God in His great love knew the cost would be His perfect Son. I am so grateful for His willingness to pay for my sin as well.