John 1:1-3, Psalm 8, 104

Praise The Lord! All of our verses today call for us to praise Him. We are reminded that Jesus was from the beginning and with Him and through Him all all was made. Here is our response,
Psalm 104:33I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
34May my meditation be pleasing to him,
for I rejoice in the Lord.

Reading the Bible Through in 2016

Today is the day we start a new journey through God’s Word. I will be using the Bible reading plan, Reading God’s Word on You Version. I invite you to join me on this great adventure.
Genesis 1-2: The thing that struck me is how driven we are to worship the created instead of the creator. The sky, sun, moon, stars, forests, mountains, seas and so much more are all beautiful, but the creator of it all is so much grander! What kind of amazing God would make all of nature for us to enjoy and see His handy work. To consider that He spoke them into being blows my mind. What a great reminder to see and look for God in all things! Worship the Creator instead of the created.

Join Me

Thank you all so much for making this advent journey with me. I invite you to join me in the year ahead for a daily walk through God’s word. We will be reading the bible through using the Reading God’s Story plan. We will post more details in days to come, but I ask you now to pray about making this journey with me. It will be an adventure that will hold eternal rewards. For His Name! Page