Join me on Mission!

This is an invitation to live on mission with me over the next couple of weeks. It will start tomorrow by having a prayer time in my home at 10:30 and staying for a soup lunch after. We will pray for many things.

Wednesday Les and I will be meeting with a team of missionaries in Nashville to encourage and minister to them.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday I will be speaking at a women’s retreat and I would love to have you guys join us by praying for this special time.

The next Tuesday I will join a team heading to Belize to do a medical mission. We are taking 3 from the Louisville area and some of you have helped to provide medicines, so we will be your hands and feet. Our team will include people from Kentucky, Alabama, and South Carolina.

I am hoping to record each of our events through pictures and written stories to let you have a view of all God is doing. Whether you meet with us on Monday or join us on mission through prayer for the entire ministry time, we invite you to be a part of what God is doing. I will serve as His hands and feet through your prayers. Thanks for being a part of the party!!!

Swazi devo day 2

Day 2
Please read Genesis 2 verse 7 and verses 22 and 23.
How can you prove the existence of God through what you read?
Read Psalm 139:13-16 and record what you learn about God in these verses.
Not only did God create Adam and Eve, but also He created you. He had a specific purpose in His creation and when He knit you together in your mother’s womb even then He had a purpose for you and your life. Take a few minutes to thank God for creating and giving you life. Sit for a few minutes and just ask God what He desires for you to do as a response to all He has done for you.

Swazi mission devotional

Week 1: Existence of God. Day 1:
Please read through Genesis 1 and make a list of all God made.
How can you prove the existence of God based on what you read?
Another passage in the Bible says, “The Heavens declare the glory of God.” Another place tells us that if we don’t praise Him the rocks will cry out.
Take time to praise God for each of the items you listed.


Spuds with Buds: Fundraising for Missions

This is an easy fun summer party that can be done for any age group.

Spuds with your Buds

We baked enough potatoes for our guests then provided fun fixings for the potatoes. You can have your guests bring a fixing for the potato bar and it will give them a reason to come. Some of our fixings were

  • Butter
  • Sour Cream
  • Grilled chicken
  • Pulled pork and barbecue sauce
  • Bacon Bits
  • Cheese

You get the idea. Just pull together what sounds good to you.

You can ask each of your friends to bring a friend so that you have new faces and new relationships to build. If you are doing this at your church it is a great outreach opportunity.

You could play a “Tater” game. Draw an arrow on a potato. Spin the “Tater” and if the arrow lands on you, you have to share one fun fact about yourself.

Another “Tater” game could be what kind of “Tater” are you?

  • Spectater
  • Originater
  • Procrastinater
  • Dictater

You get the idea. Come up with other words for your game that might fit your guests.

With these party games you will find out lots about your new friends and maybe a few things about your older ones as well.

If the time is right, share about your Best “Bud” Jesus Christ. Just tell them why He is so special to you. This could open up great conversations about how Jesus has been a good friend to others as well.