Day 7

Our trip to the mountains was wearying but encouraging. We traveled on some of the bumpiest roads I have traveled in years, but the views were breath taking. One of our stops were at a mountain top high above the valley that overlooks Mt. Carmel and a valley Jesus walked when he healed one of His disciple’s mother in law. The mountain top had a crusade castle on top that at one time served as a bunker for warring countries even in modern days. Our trip then took us to a valley many mountains away that held many refugee camps. We were invited to be a guest in one of the homes. It was a one room home made from a tarp and very beautiful purple fabric covered the inside. On the floor were 3 rugs that covered all exposed ground. In the center was a small stove where the woman of the domain prepared and served hot tea. We lounged on pillows on her floor and drank from small glass cups. The tea was sweet and the fellowship even sweeter. The home held a 10 day old baby girl in a small basket. She was bundled up though the stove kept it toasty inside. She was covered by a soft thin net to keep flying pests away. I wondered if in some way that was how Mary and Joseph felt when visitors came to see their Child. Did their home feel warm and inviting like this home was? Were they discouraged as well because they had traveled from their home town? Did Mary miss her parents as this sweet lady and her friends did? Did Mary have fond memories of her hometown? Our visit was brief but my heart captured many memories. I wrestled and played with a small boy about 9 months old. He played with my necklace and teethed on my hand. I prayed silently for him as we visited with the adults. I was praying that he would be saved.
At one time today we could see three nations who seem to always have conflict. As we drove I prayed for them. Please join me in praying for their leaders. Pray for peace, but most of all pray that they will come to know The Prince of Peace. Tomorrow is our last day of ministry. Please pray that G and Z will get all of their questions asked and see what they need to see so they can come back home and focus on what remains stateside to do. They will be raising funds and preparing to return here to work with refugees and the Muslim people in this area. There is MUCH work to be done and so few workers. If you can’t go please consider supporting our kids as they go. Please consider making them your personal missionaries that you will pray for, encourage, and when possible give. To the ends of the Earth with our kids!