Day 8

12802725_10209074056512663_2670718935520800310_nWhat in your life right now will last for thousands of years? I know. Me too. I have no idea and can’t even fathom what that might be. Today we walked streets built before Jesus birth. We walked on bleachers set up to watch horse races and Olympic Games from early Roman days. We walked ruins from a church from the time of the Crusades. We saw open graves from literally over a thousand years ago. Ruins is what we call them today, but in those ruins on just a few acres were at least three early churches. On the walls of one were crosses etched in stone. The building might be in pieces, but the cross was still in tact. What in my life will last thousands of years and even more? My relationship with Jesus and pouring into others who put their faith in Him lasts. Nothing else including church buildings will remain, but our faith in the Eternal One will. The ruins we saw today were in the front yard of one of our workers from the states. Gene’ asked him if he ever just came out and journaled or spent time with God. He said as a matter of fact I do. When I get overwhelmed with all that is going on around me I come to this road where Jesus probably walked to enter the ancient city and I just pray. Wow, what a great reminder to me that our friends need constant encouragement no matter where they serve. Christian leaders can and do become overwhelmed when the family may not be at peace or church demands remove the leader from the home night after night. They sometimes just need to come to the path of Christ and center up again. If you know friends who are workers in the field, take time today to lift them and their families up. Send them a note of encouragement. Let them know you are behind them lifting them up. Consider your own life right now, are you investing in eternal things? If not reconsider your investments of time and money. Set your eyes on things above. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. If there is one thing our walk in antiquities showed us today it was that once great civilizations will pass and fade away. Rocks and stones will cover what we may worship. But investments in the eternal things truly will last forever. Choose wisely my friend.
We leave at 3:00 in the morning to start our trek home. Your prayers are appreciated. Thank you for joining us on our adventure. There will be more to come. To the glory of His Name!