December 21, 2015, Luke 2:6-7

luke2_6-76 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

A year ago today I stood in the hall way as my daughter in law gave birth to our first and only grandson. She had experienced a placental tear that the doctors had watched for months sending her to bed rest a month and a half before. The entire pregnancy had had its challenges and we were at the end of an exhausting day of labor. I had been chasing our 1 year old grand daughter around all evening finally getting her to lay down at midnight while we waited for her brother’s arrival. My husband and I had watched as doctors and nurses had run in and out of the room pushing carts with equipment on them preparing for the imminent arrival. We had prayed so hard and had friends and family interceding that this precious boy would be born healthy and that his mom would withstand the birthing process. As we waited my anxiety grew because the baby seemed to be struggling to exit the birth canal. FINALLY there was a tiny voice screaming out his arrival! I wept with joy and total relief to know he was finally here and both mother and child were healthy. There was still a flurry of activity as doctors and nurses ran in and out of the room, but he was healthy and so was she.
I stood there thinking, wondering really, how did Joseph feel when he heard Jesus’ first cry? Did he weep too? Were there moments that Mary and Joseph questioned the health of mother and or child? Was the labor long and arduous? Was Mary scared without her mother there? Did the angels attend the birth even without human awareness? Did God smile? So many thoughts! So thankful that we do know that after His birth his mom swaddled him and laid Him in the only bed available. Oh God, thank you so much for a young woman of faith who lived out what she believed. And for an earthly father that trusted his Heavenly Father to provide and take care of his new family.  Thank you Father for Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer.


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2 thoughts on “December 21, 2015, Luke 2:6-7

  1. What a beautiful and touching testimony about your grandson, and a sweet tie-in to what Mary and Joseph might have gone through when Jesus was born. So thankful that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and that same baby in the manger is the same Lord and Saviour who was there as the Great Physician intereceding in the birth of your grandson!

    • I just can’t imagine what Mary & Joseph experienced as she was giving birth to the Babe who was born a King – their environment, their circumstances and being all alone. But, praise God, they were not alone!

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