December 24, 2015, Luke 2:6-7

Luke 2 - v.6-7 illLuke 2:6-7 “And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”

This little snippet of scripture is so calming in that it suggests they were doing alright. As with the arrival of any baby, Jesus came in his own timing. There was no cozy nursery and cute outfits awaiting him. There was only father, mother, and baby. Close your eyes and try to picture it. Mary just delivered the Savior of the world and after wrapping him up to lie him down, I image she tried to get some rest as well. The simplicity of the mental picture I get is so frighteningly beautiful. I’m in favor of the modern conveniences that have come along for labor and afterwards when you bring baby home. I wouldn’t eagerly sign up to deliver in a barn. That part scares me. As the same time, this picture still holds beauty because God provided what they needed exactly when they needed it.

Like the scene we find here, your life may lack the fluff and frills but don’t for a moment think God has held out on you. He has provided what is most important, the purification of your soul. Thank you, God, for Your son. You have provided and he is enough!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “December 24, 2015, Luke 2:6-7

  1. We just met the newest addition in our family circle, a precious 8 week old baby girl. It was touching to watch our nephew and his wife take turns holding, feeding, and loving up on their firstborn child. I was greatly impressed watching her daddy fold her blanket and swaddle her to prepare her for her nap. I immediately thought of this verse as it is the first place I ever heard the word, “swaddle.” You are so right that as Mary swaddled Jesus, His heavenly Father swaddled Mary and Joseph with all they needed to take care of their newborn Son. That is a comfort we can wrap ourselves in, too!

    • So sweet! Such Simplicity! Thank You, Father for Jesus! He truly is all we need!
      May I remember this throughout today as we prepare for a BIG family gathering this evening in our home. I pray He will be our focus as we celebrate His first coming as a family. Noel.

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