December 6, 2015, Isaiah 16:5

Isaiah 16.5Then a throne will be established in steadfast love,
and on it will sit in faithfulness
in the tent of David
one who judges and seeks justice
and is swift to do righteousness.
Knowing someone’s heart is so important in interpreting what they are doing or saying and why. Last evening someone sent me a private message telling me I might want to consider a more up to date hair style. Now this person is not a close friend and truthfully I haven’t even seen them in three years or more, but they had seen a picture on facebook. In my flesh, I was hurt and even went through lots of pictures of others thinking maybe I do need to change. This morning I was drying my hair and I thought “I like my hair. Why would I want to change to please someone else who doesn’t even know me on a daily basis and may or may not have my best interest at heart.” When I read Isaiah 16:5 today it dawned on me that the reason I want to please God and walk right with Him is because of His steadfast love that seeks what is right and just for me. Jesus came not for selfish motives, but because of a love so great my mind can’t conceive. I want to dress in a way that would please Him, act in ways that please Him, and even do my hair (lol) in a way that brings Him glory. I take His counsel because I know His heart is for me. My response to God’s great love through Jesus this Christmas is to trust His heart for my good in all things.  I pray we all evaluate our lives today to see who are we seeking to please.  If it is anyone other that Jesus, we need to make a few changes as a gift to Him this Christmas.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

6 thoughts on “December 6, 2015, Isaiah 16:5

  1. Isaiah 16:5. When I read this verse, it makes me realize how awesome God is. I’m so glad He will sit on His throne and will end all injustices. His love is steadfast, He’s faithful, He’s just and His righteousness is swift. Wow. So much it’s overwhelming to me. I’m so glad He’s God and that He has revealed Himself to me.

  2. In Sunday School we studied Romans 13. Our teacher pointed out how we are so quick to judge others. This verse reminds me of that. God has made some huge changes in me, but I still want to judge some people. Especially those sand paper people. Who am I to judge anyone. Ruth read a verse in Luke 6(I think). Judge not for least thee be judged. I’m sure I messed that up too. But the jest of it is God is going to ask you why you judged that person. Wow
    I don’t want to disappoint God and if we talk ( me and God) about all of the times I judged others. That will take years.
    But God loves me anyway. He loves you too.

  3. You’re such a beautiful person I can’t believe anyone would say that to you honey just overlook it the devil just wanted you to react to it and you didn’t bless your heart I love you just away you are godly

  4. These words in Isa.16:5 remind of Jas. 1:23
    “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like” When we look in the mirror we should not worry about hair, makeup and etc. (however looking our best is important), but we should see if we are reflecting Christ in our lives. So to me it is not important if what I do or look like pleases others, what is most important is, does my life please God?

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