December 7, 2015, John 1:1-5

images1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

It is very tempting in our human mind to think of Jesus’ life beginning at His birth because that is when our lives begin, but Jesus’ life actually began long before then. With Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit there was no beginning and will be no ending. (Alpha and Omega) They have always been and always will be. That is hard for this human brain to comprehend, but it is important to grasp because if He has always been and was here even when everything was made through Him then He has authority over ALL! Wow! Mind blowing! Right? It is so important to nail this down because when darkness tries to tell you that Jesus can’t help you or save you, darkness is wrong. Light will Always overcome darkness! Jesus has all authority and He alone can save us. Though we celebrate Jesus as a baby born into our world, we really celebrate a Savior who from His birth was already Lord! That is why yielding to Him and His will is not a just a mandate, but also a joy! Merry Christmas.

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One thought on “December 7, 2015, John 1:1-5

  1. “The Giver is the Gift”, words that I read in a book called “the Greatest Gift”. It is mind blowing to try and comprehend the thought that Jesus was in the beginning because Jesus is God who came in human flesh. Another thing I find mind blowing is that Jesus is called “the Word” and what do we read “the Word” which is the love letter of God to us. How beautiful is the love of God that He would go to such depths to save sinners like us. That is the true gift of Christmas. Praying for the lost today that they would open that gift in their heart this season and experience what Christmas truly is.

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