Exodus 1-4

Who me? Can’t you just hear Moses saying that as he looked around for someone else to take the calling God had on his life. He was honest about his feeling of inadequacy and yet God said “I Am” will help you and I will be whatever you need. You would think at the end of this pep talk complete with signs and wonders that when God told Moses he would speak to the people that Moses would say “anything you want God.” Instead he chose to let his brother be his spokesman because of Moses’ fear. Even after all of that! His fear of men and speaking before them robbed him of what God had for him. Much to take in! Many questions to ask. What is God calling me to? What is He equipping me for even without me knowing? What am I choosing fear over faith in? Am I missing the blessing God has for me because my fear is so great? Don’t miss the blessing! Don’t miss God’s best for you!! Father help me in my fear to counter that with great faith in You even when i don’t feel I can accomplish what you have in store. Thank you for choosing me and allowing me to serve in any way You choose.