Exodus 25-28

In chapter 25 God goes into detail of how to build the Ark of the Covenant. Many might be more familiar with it because of a Harrison Ford movie where he went in search of the Ark. That ark described here in the bible was precious to Israel because it was the place where the priests met with God and heard from Him. 25:21 And you shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony that I shall give you. 22There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel.
As I read the description the word testimony stood out to me. The testimony would be put in it but the ark itself was called the ark of the testimony. The testimony that was put into it was a the stone commandments written by Moses after he dropped the ones God had forged. The staff of Aaron was in it defining for Israel who God chose to lead. A jar of manna was placed in it as a reminder of God’s provision for Israel during their wilderness travels. Each of these things testified to God’s authority, His provision and His commands for Israel. He promised to bless Israel if they followed and obeyed. This the covenant was given to the people. Then the ark itself was a testimony to Israel of God’s desire to be among them and have relationship.
The more I pondered these things God reminded me that we no longer need a box to represent His presence with us. When Jesus ascended into Heaven He sent the Holy Spirit within each believer to testify to His presence in us. He is our authority. He is our provision. He leads us in the way we should go. He speaks to us in a still small voice that is within us. The book of John tells us the Spirit convicts us of wrong, leads us into truth, guides us, and is our Helper. The great thing is that He can never be lost. So there is no need for Harrison Ford or anyone else to come and find the Holy Spirit. He is within us and if we listen and obey His voice is very clear. What a great testimony to us, but as we obey and walk in Him we are a testimony of His presence to all who are around!