Genesis 14-19

So many huge hinges in today’s reading. Abram’s getting ahead of God through Ishmael reminds me of how often I try to “help” God only to mess everything up. God was so good to forgive Abram and Sarah and in time give them the gift of their son. Issac’s birth is foretold and Sarah laughs. I can’t imagine what Abraham and Sarah must have felt or thought. I love how the bible says Sarah was beyond child bearing abilities. Just like God to do the impossible. What is impossible for men is possible with God!!! He laughs when we think we can “handle things” when He knows we can’t. That is why He so longs for us to trust Him and know He has our best at hand.
The sign of the circumcision, the cutting away of flesh was an important sign not just of fleshly wound, but of submission to God. Abraham and Ishmael both showed their submission to God as together father and son along with all in their homes. God has found a servant who believes and acts in obedience to Him and God promises to bless Abraham’s children. Eventually God will send His own Son through this family as well. The perfect Son sent through many generations of imperfect men and women. Jesus alone could save us all from our sin so that we too would not end up like Sodom and Gomorrah.