Genesis 30-33

Jacob started life as a pampered son of his mother, but as he walked into adulthood he became a hard worker. The scripture records how he watched over Laban’s flock night and day. He took responsibility for any of the flock that came up missing or injured. Even when he chose his own flock he moved them 3 day’s journey away and was able to manage them as well as oversee Laban’s flock. When he decided to leave he informed his family and though Rachel stole her father’s idols without Jacob’s knowledge, Jacob must have raised the rest of his family to honor and trust God. He worked hard to give his family spiritual guidance as well as provide. On the night when Jacob had sent his wives and children on, Jacob wrestled with God all night telling him in the end he would not release Him until He had blessed him. To wrestle all night long and even in weariness not to give up is true hard work. Jacob asked for a blessing and God gave him a limp. A LIMP? How could the blessing of working hard and holding on to God be a LIMP! Maybe the greatest work of all was to choose daily to depend on the Lord and to know in weakness we are strong. May we be faithful even when our blessing from hard work is a broken body or human frailty. May we see that in our weakness He is our strength. May we also remember these earthly dwellings are preparing us for something so much greater than here on earth. Until He comes we too will press on.