
Philippians 3:15-21 Have you ever noticed that not all Christians live up to the same levels? I will be honest, sometimes that drives me crazy. I want to scream, “don’t you know that is wrong?” I have walked with Jesus over 40 years. I know truth because I have studied and even then sometimes I choose paths that don’t honor the Lord. I have grown in my faith and as God has revealed things to me as being out of His will I have tried to adjust my life to be on the right path with Him. This 40 year journey has truly been a journey and I am much more knowledgable now than I was at the beginning. Therefore, passages like Philippians 3:16 make total sense to me. Here is what it says, “In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained.” Living up to what we know is what God wants from us. Do what He has told you to do. A baby grows and learns to walk, talk, eventually run and ride a bike. A Christ follower is a learner as well. This is no excuse for not learning. Just as you would not expect a 30 year old to not know how to walk or run, for those who have walked in Jesus we should become more and more like Him daily. So from one learner to another, I pray today we walk more and more like our Master and find great favor with Him.