He Knows and Loves Me

Psalm 139: There is never a place we can go that God does not see us. We can’t hide ourselves or our actions from Him. That may seem scary for some and comforting for others. Psalm 139 is a psalm of comfort for me. He knows me inside and out. Literally! He made me, He knows my coming and my going. He has known the days of my life before one was lived. He knows my faults and still declares me fearfully and wonderfully made. Now that is amazing!!!!
He knows you too my friend and put you together in your mother’s womb. He has loved you with an everlasting love and He is for our good. These may be hard concepts to accept or believe, but you can bank on it my friend. He is trustworthy because He does know the beginning from the end. Fall into His arms of mercy today. Relish in the love He has for you. Know that His guidelines and perimeters are for your good and His glory. Yes, bad times and hard times come, but He is with you. He doesn’t forget you are leave you alone. Treasure His presence know His peace.