
Matthew 4:23-25, 8:14-17; Mark 1:21-39; Luke 4:31-44: Do you believe that Jesus still heals? In our reading today 3 of the gospel writers record how Jesus healed Peter’s mother in law. Immediately she got up and made a meal.(I have always said it had to have been cat head biscuits she made since she didn’t have time to prepare anything else.) She served the Lord and people from not just the little village they were in, but people from all over began bringing their sick and demon possessed. Jesus healed many of them and the demons were cast out. It stood out to me that Jesus didn’t heal all. I wondered if possibly it was because they didn’t believe He could or He would heal them. When we read about Jesus in Nazareth there were many there that did not believe and He did not do the miracles there He was doing in Galilee.
Which brings me back to my question, do you believe Jesus still heals? For sure He does not heal if we do not believe. However I know that for those who believe He does still heal! I have seen it with my own eyes. I sleep beside an answer to my prayers for healing each night as I marvel at how God healed Les from a major heart attack. At night sometimes I listen to him breathing and can’t help but break out in thanksgiving all over again. Yesterday my mom had the elders of the church come and pray over her and anoint her with oil. As she deals with a tumor that needs to be removed. She said, “I am doing my part and the Lord is going to do His part.” He may choose to use doctors or He may heal her outright. No matter what He chooses to do, she knows she will be healed. By faith she is believing God to be her healer.
Some of you may be saying, well what if He doesn’t heal her? Does that mean God can’t heal or that she just did not believe enough. The answer to that would be no. God absolutely can heal but sometimes it brings Him greater glory not to here on earth. Be assured though my friends, that she will be either healed here on earth or she will be completely healed in heaven. Either way healing will come and we are hoping that for a while longer it will be here on earth. Isn’t that really the ultimate healing though? To know no matter what you will be healed either here or in Heaven. That is why a child of God can have perfect peace even in the midst of the storms of life. My friend, if you don’t have this kind of peace please allow me to help you know how you can.