Job 40-42, Psalm 29

Did you know there were dragons in the bible? If you have a son or daughter that loves stories about dragons tell them to check out our passages today. Here is just a sample:
41:15His back is made of rows of shields,
shut up closely as with a seal.
16One is so near to another
that no air can come between them.
17They are joined one to another;
they clasp each other and cannot be separated.
18His sneezings flash forth light,
and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.
19Out of his mouth go flaming torches;
sparks of fire leap forth.
20Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke,
as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
21His breath kindles coals,
God is so amazing. He created the great creatures yet for some reason He allowed them to be no more in our time. I wonder if they will be in heaven without venom or the will to destroy? It could be fun walking around or even riding along with them. 🙂